Results for 'An Exploration Guided Merton’S.'

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  1. The Gray Area for Incorruptible Scientific Research.An Exploration Guided Merton’S. & Norms Conceived - 2010 - In M. Dorato M. Suàrez, Epsa Epistemology and Methodology of Science. Springer. pp. 149.
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    The Normative Orientations of Climate Scientists.Dennis Bray & Hans Storch - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (5):1351-1367.
    In 1942 Robert K. Merton tried to demonstrate the structure of the normative system of science by specifying the norms that characterized it. The norms were assigned the abbreviation CUDOs: Communism, Universalism, Disinterestedness, and Organized skepticism. Using the results of an on-line survey of climate scientists concerning the norms of science, this paper explores the climate scientists’ subscription to these norms. The data suggests that while Merton’s CUDOs remain the overall guiding moral principles, they are not fully endorsed or present (...)
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    The Landscape of Faith: An Explorer's Guide to the Christian Creeds. By AlisterMcGrath. Pp. xiv, 262, London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 2018, £16.99. [REVIEW]Luke Penkett - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (4):706-707.
  4.  12
    An anthropological guide to the art and philosophy of mirror gazing.Maria Danae Koukouti - 2020 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Lambros Malafouris.
    The ability to look at one's face in the mirror and the ability to find one's self in the mirror are two quite different things. The former is a natural capacity that humans share with other animals; the latter is an acquired skill that only humans can master. The craft of mirror-gazing,despite its relevance to daily life is barely understood. An Anthropological Guide to the Art and Philosophy of Mirror Gazing provides a metaphysical manual to understand it. The book is (...)
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    Thomas Merton's Bangkok Lecture of December 1968.Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland - 2008 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 28:91-99.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Thomas Merton’s Bangkok Lecture of December 1968Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland, OSBPreparations for the Meeting and its PurposeAfter being elected abbot primate of the Benedictine Confederation in September 1967, I was encouraged by discovering that the Benedictines and the two branches of the Cistercians (those of the Common Observance and those of the Strict Observance, or Trappists) worked together on missionary issues through an office in Paris called Aide à (...)
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    Exploring Well-Being in Schools: A Guide to Making Children's Lives More Fulfilling.John White - 2011 - Routledge.
    "Despite a dramatic rise in average income in the last 40 years, people are no happier. Since the millennium personal well-being has recently shot up the political and educational agendas, with schools in the UK even including "Personal Well-being" as a curriculum topic in its own right.This book takes teachers, student teachers and parents step by step through the many facets of well-being, pausing at each step to look at the educational implications for teachers and parents trying to make our (...)
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  7. Exploring the Meaning of Life: An Anthology and Guide.Joshua W. Seachris - 2012 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Much more than just an anthology, this survey of humanity's search for the meaning of life includes the latest contributions to the debate, a judicious selection of key canonical essays, and insightful commentary by internationally respected philosophers. Cutting-edge viewpoint features the most recent contributions to the debate Extensive general introduction offers unprecedented context Leading contemporary philosophers provide insightful introductions to each section.
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    Effects of guided exploration on reaching measures of auditory peripersonal space.Mercedes X. Hüg, Fernando Bermejo, Fabián C. Tommasini & Ezequiel A. Di Paolo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Despite the recognized importance of bodily movements in spatial audition, few studies have integrated action-based protocols with spatial hearing in the peripersonal space. Recent work shows that tactile feedback and active exploration allow participants to improve performance in auditory distance perception tasks. However, the role of the different aspects involved in the learning phase, such as voluntary control of movement, proprioceptive cues, and the possibility of self-correcting errors, is still unclear. We study the effect of guided reaching (...) on perceptual learning of auditory distance in peripersonal space. We implemented a pretest-posttest experimental design in which blindfolded participants must reach for a sound source located in this region. They were divided into three groups that were differentiated by the intermediate training phase: Guided, an experimenter guides the participant’s arm to contact the sound source; Active, the participant freely explores the space until contacting the source; and Control, without tactile feedback. The effects of exploration feedback on auditory distance perception in the peripersonal space are heterogeneous. Both the Guided and Active groups change their performance. However, participants in the Guided group tended to overestimate distances more than those in the Active group. The response error of the Guided group corresponds to a generalized calibration criterion over the entire range of reachable distances. Whereas the Active group made different adjustments for proximal and distal positions. The results suggest that guided exploration can induce changes on the boundary of the auditory reachable space. We postulate that aspects of agency such as initiation, control, and monitoring of movement, assume different degrees of involvement in both guided and active tasks, reinforcing a non-binary approach to the question of activity-passivity in perceptual learning and supporting a complex view of the phenomena involved in action-based learning. (shrink)
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    A Guide to Eric Voegelin's Political Reality.Montgomery C. Erfourth - 2013 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
    This guide is an exploration of political reality as understood by Eric Voegelin. Voegelin employed the revolutionary concepts found in ancient Greek noetic and Christian pneumatic philosophy that describe political reality and the means to know it. This guide begins with a biographical sketch of Voegelin, the historical milieu that inspired his resistance to "unreality" and terms and symbols he uses to identify the spiritual sickness he believes is destroying Western civilization's traditional basis of order, it then examines Voegelin's (...)
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    Exploring the Meaning of Life: An Anthology and Guide.Thaddeus Metz, John G. Cottingham, Garrett Thomson, Ericj Wielenberg & John Martin Fischer - 2012 - Wiley.
    Much more than just an anthology, this survey of humanity's search for the meaning of life includes the latest contributions to the debate, a judicious selection of key canonical essays, and insightful commentary by internationally respected philosophers.
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    How to Grieve: An Ancient Guide to the Lost Art of Consolation.Marcus Tullius Cicero - 2022 - Princeton University Press.
    An engaging new translation of a timeless masterpiece about coping with the death of a loved one In 45 BCE, the Roman statesman Cicero fell to pieces when his beloved daughter, Tullia, died from complications of childbirth. But from the depths of despair, Cicero fought his way back. In an effort to cope with his loss, he wrote a consolation speech—not for others, as had always been done, but for himself. And it worked. Cicero’s Consolation was something new in literature, (...)
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    Choosing Freedom: A Kantian Guide to Life.Karen Stohr - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    An exploration of everything Kant's philosophy can teach us about being the best people we can be, from using our human reasoning to its fullest potential to being affably drunk at dinner parties. Immanuel Kant is well known as one of the towering figures of Western philosophical history, but he is less well known for his savvy advice about hosting dinner parties. This philosophical genius was a man of many interests and talents: his famously formal and abstract ethical system (...)
  13.  18
    Mathematical Elegance: An Approachable Guide to Understanding Basic Concepts.Steven Goldberg - 2014 - Routledge.
    The heart of mathematics is its elegance; the way it all fits together. Unfortunately, its beauty often eludes the vast majority of people who are intimidated by fear of the difficulty of numbers. Mathematical Elegance remedies this. Using hundreds of examples, the author presents a view of the mathematical landscape that is both accessible and fascinating. At a time of concern that American youth are bored by math, there is renewed interest in improving math skills. Mathematical Elegance stimulates students, along (...)
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    The Bhagavad Gita: a guide to navigating the battle of life.Ravi Ravindra - 2017 - Boulder: Shambhala.
    A new translation of the great classic--with wide-ranging, multi-traditional commentary that emphasizes its practical advice for living with integrity. 'All there is is Krishna.' Upon hearing this famous and enigmatic line from the Gita's seventh chapter when he was a boy, Ravi Ravindra embarked on a journey to understand its deep meaning. The search led him far beyond the tradition from which the text originally arose to an exploration of world mystical wisdom, including Zen, Christianity, Yoga, and particularly the (...)
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    Fashioning Society: An Exploration of Collective Behaviour and Cultural Change Through Symbolic Interactionism.Gabriela Ambás & Paula Gárgoles - 2025 - Filosofija. Sociologija 36 (1).
    The intersection of fashion, collective behaviour and the philosophical tradition of symbolic interactionism (SI) is explored through this article, highlighting how fashion serves as a key mechanism in social interaction and cultural change. Drawing from the intellectual tradition of SI, developed by Mead and Blumer, this study demonstrates how fashion facilitates collective adaptation and construction of meaning in a cultural landscape that is continually changing. Fashion is analysed not only as a vehicle for individual expression but as a significant social (...)
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    An Exploration of Degree of Meditation Attainment in Relation to Psychic Awareness with Tibetan Buddhists.S. M. Roney-Dougal, J. Solfvin & F. O. X. J. - 2010 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 22 (2).
    Many traditional Mahayana, and modern Tibetan, Buddhist texts relate meditation attainment to psychic ability. This teaching served as the hypothesis—that more advanced meditators would choose a psi target correctly, significantly more often than beginners. A basic free-response design was used in which a computer programme (PreCOG) chose a target picture at random from a 4-picture set. There were 25 sets, all pictures of Tibet. PreCOG guided the participants through the procedure, in which they aimed to become aware of the (...)
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    How to Be a Friend: An Ancient Guide to True Friendship.Marcus Tullius Cicero - 2018 - Princeton University Press.
    A splendid new translation of one of the greatest books on friendship ever written In a world where social media, online relationships, and relentless self-absorption threaten the very idea of deep and lasting friendships, the search for true friends is more important than ever. In this short book, which is one of the greatest ever written on the subject, the famous Roman politician and philosopher Cicero offers a compelling guide to finding, keeping, and appreciating friends. With wit and wisdom, Cicero (...)
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    Kant's humorous writings: an illustrated guide.Robert R. Clewis - 2020 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Commonly regarded as one of the most serious philosophers of all time (this is a man who took his daily walk at precisely the same time each day), Kant's Humorous Writings explores a dimension of Kant's work that has hitherto been almost entirely ignored but which casts his philosophy into a new light. With entirely new translations of Kant's bon mots, quips, and anecdotes, supplemented by historical commentary and numerous illustrations, this guide outlines just why these pieces were important to (...)
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  19.  19
    How to have a life: an ancient guide to using our time wisely.Lucius Annaeus Seneca - 2022 - Princeton: Princeton University Press. Edited by James S. Romm.
    In his moral treatise, De Brevitate Vitae("On the Shortness of Life"), the Stoic philosopher Seneca explored ways to change our experience of time so as to get more enrichment from the present, to diminish regret for the past and anxiety about the future, and to make our lives feel long even though death might cut them short at any moment. As he famously said, "it is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot (...)
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    How Adam Smith can change your life: an unexpected guide to human nature and happiness.Russell D. Roberts - 2014 - New York: Portfolio/Penguin.
    How the insights of an 18th century economist can help us live better in the 21st century. Adam Smith became famous for The Wealth of Nations, but the Scottish economist also cared deeply about our moral choices and behavior--the subjects of his other brilliant book, The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759). Now, economist Russ Roberts shows why Smith's neglected work might be the greatest self-help book you've never read. Roberts explores Smith's unique and fascinating approach to fundamental questions such as: (...)
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    Exploring moments of knowing: NLP and enquiry into inner landscapes.Jane Mathison & Paul Tosey - 2009 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 16 (10-12):10-12.
    This article is an account of reflections drawn from a total of four explicitation interviews , with two people. The article has both methodological and substantive purposes. Methodologically, we explain the contribution of Neuro-Linguistic Programming in the elicitation of first person accounts through guided introspection. Aspects of NLP have been used by both Vermersch and Petitmengin-Peugeot as means for exploring people's inner worlds. We further elucidate NLP as a set of tools for researchers, emphasising the distinctions these enable researchers (...)
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    Opening to oneness: a practical and philosophical guide to the Zen precepts.Nancy Mujo Baker - 2022 - Boulder, Colorado: Shambhala Publications.
    Stop trying to become "better" by suppressing or hiding parts of yourself, and learn what it means to be fully human with this accessible guide to the core ethical teachings of Zen Buddhism. In Opening to Oneness, Zen teacher Nancy Baker offers a detailed path of practice for Zen students planning to take the precepts and for anyone, Buddhist or non-Buddhist, interested in deepening their personal study of ethical living. She reveals that there are three levels of each precept: a (...)
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    Disconfirmative results and prior commitments.Merton S. Krause - 1964 - Philosophy of Science 31 (3):237-240.
    One style of conducting scientific research involves the application of theoretical propositions to an empirical domain under investigation. The investigator plans his research in terms of the theoretical propositions and states his findings in these terms as well. We wish to examine not the merits of this style of research but a difficulty inherent in it. The difficulty concerns what is to be done when disconfirmative results are produced by some discrete study or experiment in the course of such research.
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    (Abstract) Taiwanese Philosophy: "Philosophical Activities in Taiwan" or "Taiwanese Philosophy with Subjective Characteristics" ? An Exploration of the Relationship between Two Semantic Divergences ".Jr-Jiun Lian - 2024 - 2024年「台灣哲學與文學文化的交涉」研討會.
    The examination of "Taiwanese Philosophy" is intricately influenced by the complex meanings of its terms4, fostering a range of interpretations and understandings that play a crucial role in the methodological discussions on how Taiwanese philosophical ideas are analyzed and developed. I highlight that the conventional approaches to interpreting "Taiwanese Philosophy" are mainly divided into two models: the PIT framework, signifying "Philosophical activities in Taiwan," and the TP framework, indicating "Taiwanese Philosophy noted for its unique subjectivity" (see Hung & Gao 2018)5. (...)
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    An analysis of festinger's cognitive dissonance theory.Merton S. Krause - 1972 - Philosophy of Science 39 (1):32-50.
    An axiomatization of the theory is presented based on an explication of the 1957 text. Twenty-five theorems are deduced from the seven postulates. An abstract test space for the theory is formulated and the operations for its practical testing discussed. Traditional experimentation with the theory seems generally concerned with few of its propositions and incapable of testing it.
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    Migration and the Education of Young People 0–19: An Introductory Guide.Mabel Ann Brown (ed.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    _Migration and the Education of Young People 0_–_19_ investigates migration from a number of perspectives to consider the changing dynamics of society within different countries. Examining the data associated with global migration by focusing on case studies from a wide range of countries, it provides detailed and balanced coverage of this politically sensitive topic to explore the educational needs of migrant young people, the impact of large-scale migration to and from countries and the policy challenges that individual countries face when (...)
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    Exploring Psychological Well-Being and Positive Emotions in School Children Using a Narrative Approach.Chiara Ruini, Francesca Vescovelli, Veronica Carpi & Licia Masoni - 2017 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 17 (sup1):1-9.
    While a large body of research has provided quantitative data on children’s levels of happiness, positive emotions and life satisfaction, the literature reflects a dearth of studies that analyze these dimensions from a narrative and qualitative point of view. Folk and fairy tales may serve as ideal tools for this purpose, since they are concerned with several concepts scientifically investigated by research in the field of positive psychology, such as resilience, self-realization, personal growth and meaning in life. The aim of (...)
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    Merton and Buddhism: Wisdom, Emptiness and Everyday Mind (review).Kristin Johnston Largen - 2010 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 30:218-221.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Merton and Buddhism: Wisdom, Emptiness and Everyday MindKristin Johnston LargenMerton and Buddhism: Wisdom, Emptiness and Everyday Mind. Edited by Bonnie Bowman Thurston. Louisville, KY: Fons Vitae, 2007. 271 pp.This particular book—Merton and Buddhism—is the fourth in a series that seeks to study world religions “through the lens of Thomas Merton’s life and writing” (p. viii). The first three volumes in the series are Merton and Sufism, Merton and (...)
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    Exploring watery sonic imaginaries in the age of the Aquatocene.Robertina Šebjanič - 2024 - Technoetic Arts 22 (2):197-208.
    In this article, I unravel how my artistic research, focusing on the sonic spectrum, can reflect on interspecies perception and communication within the Aquatocene, an era marked by humanity’s deep involvement with aquatic environments. I coined the term Aquatocene to describe the state of waters in the Anthropocene. Through an interdisciplinary blending of art, science and technology, I examine the philosophical and methodological frameworks driving my artistic practice. With projects like Aquatocene and Atlantic Tales, I am to reimagine interspecies relationships (...)
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    Exploring the Heavens and the Heritage of Mankind.Robert Seddon - 2015 - In Jai Galliott, Commercial Space Exploration: Ethics, Policy and Governance. Ashgate. pp. 149-160.
    ‘The heavens’ are among the oldest and most enduring heritage of human cultures: a scene of ancient myths and modern space opera. That something is part of somebody’s cultural heritage implies that there may be ethical duties to conserve it or otherwise treat it with respect, and space is no exception to this principle: recent work by Tony Milligan asserts that the cultural significances of the Moon may count against any prospect of lunar mining on a significantly destructive scale. Current (...)
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    "It's for a good cause, isn't it?" - Exploring views of South African TB research participants on sample storage and re-use.Gerrit van Schalkwyk, Jantina de Vries & Keymanthri Moodley - 2012 - BMC Medical Ethics 13 (1):19-.
    Background: The banking of biological samples raises a number of ethical issues in relation to the storage,export and re-use of samples. Whilst there is a growing body of literature exploringparticipant perspectives in North America and Europe, hardly any studies have been reportedin Africa. This is problematic in particular in light of the growing amount of research takingplace in Africa, and with the rise of biobanking practices also on the African continent. Inorder to investigate the perspectives of African research participants, we (...)
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  32. Contradiction, Coherence, and Guided Discretion in the Supreme Court's Capital Sentencing Jurisprudence.Mary Sigler - 2003 - Dissertation, Arizona State University
    This project explores the "contradiction" that critics contend lies at the heart of the Supreme Court's capital sentencing jurisprudence. The doctrine of "guided discretion," represents the Court's attempt to achieve both consistency and individuation in capital sentencing. Guided discretion rejects the unbridled sentencing discretion of an earlier era that resulted in sentencing decisions that were "arbitrary and capricious." At the same time, guided discretion requires juries to give individualized consideration to the facts and circumstances of individual defendants. (...)
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    The Columbia Guide to American Environmental History.Carolyn Merchant - 2002 - Columbia University Press.
    How and why have Americans living at particular times and places used and transformed their environment? How have political systems dealt with conflicts over resources and conservation? This is the only major reference work to explore all the major themes and debates of the burgeoning field of environmental history. Humanity´s relationship with the natural world is one of the oldest and newest topics in human history. The issue emerged as a distinct field of scholarship in the early 1970s and has (...)
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    Exploration Enhanced RPSO for Collaborative Multitarget Searching of Robotic Swarms.Jian Yang, Ruilin Xiong, Xinhao Xiang & Yuhui Shi - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-12.
    Particle Swarm Optimization is an excellent population-based optimization algorithm. Meanwhile, because of its inspiration source and the velocity update feature, it is also widely used in the collaborative searching tasks for swarm robotics. One of the PSO-based models for robotic swarm searching tasks is Robotic PSO. It adds additional items for obstacle avoidance into standard PSO and has been applied to many single-target search tasks. However, due to PSO’s global optimization characteristics, it is easy to converge to a specific position (...)
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    The Practice of Character Strengths: Unifying Definitions, Principles, and Exploration of What’s Soaring, Emerging, and Ripe With Potential in Science and in Practice.Ryan M. Niemiec & Ruth Pearce - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    What does it mean to be “strengths-based” or to be a “strengths-based practitioner?” These are diffuse areas that are generic and ill-defined. Part of the confusion arises from the customary default of practitioners and leaders across many cultures to label anything positive or complimentary as “strengths-based,” whether that be an approach, a theoretical orientation, an intervention, or a company. Additional muddle is created by many researchers and practitioners not making distinctions between very different categories of “strength” in human beings – (...)
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    Rome as a Guide to the Good Life: A Philosophical Grand Tour.Scott Samuelson - 2023
    "The Eternal City, Rome offers endless insights through its millennia of history, its centrality to European art and religion, and the generations of travelers that have sought it out. This book from philosopher Scott Samuelson offers readers a thinker's tour of Rome. Samuelson shows how people have made sense of Rome as a scene of human nature and then envisioned the good life-philosophers such as Lucretius and Seneca, but also poets and artists such as Horace and Caravaggio, filmmakers like Fellini, (...)
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    Guide to Personal Knowledge: The Philosophy of Michael Polanyi: Tacit Knowledge, Emergence and the Fiduciary Program by Dániel Paksi and Mihály Héder.Alessio Tartaro - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (2):358-361.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Guide to Personal Knowledge: The Philosophy of Michael Polanyi: Tacit Knowledge, Emergence and the Fiduciary Program by Dániel Paksi and Mihály HéderAlessio TartaroPAKSI, Dániel and Mihály Héder. Guide to Personal Knowledge: The Philosophy of Michael Polanyi: Tacit Knowledge, Emergence and the Fiduciary Program. Wilmington, Del.: Vernon Press, 2022. xxiii + 209 pp. Cloth, $65.00Famous for the concept of "tacit knowledge," Polanyi is a figure who looms over twentieth-century (...)
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  38. Complexity: a guided tour.Melanie Mitchell - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What enables individually simple insects like ants to act with such precision and purpose as a group? How do trillions of individual neurons produce something as extraordinarily complex as consciousness? What is it that guides self-organizing structures like the immune system, the World Wide Web, the global economy, and the human genome? These are just a few of the fascinating and elusive questions that the science of complexity seeks to answer. In this remarkably accessible and companionable book, leading complex systems (...)
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  39. Guided by Guided by the Truth: Objectivism and Perspectivism in Ethics and Epistemology.Daniel Whiting - forthcoming - In Baron Reed & A. K. Flowerree, Towards an Expansive Epistemology: Norms, Action, and the Social Sphere. Routledge.
    According to ethical objectivism, what a person should do depends on the facts, as opposed to their perspective on the facts. A long-standing challenge to this view is that it fails to accommodate the role that norms play in guiding a person’s action. Roughly, if the facts that determine what a person should do lie beyond their ken, they cannot inform a person’s deliberations. This paper explores two recent developments of this line of thought. Both focus on the epistemic counterpart (...)
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  40. Redistribution, recognition, and participation - Nancy Fraser's theory of justice in Indian social context : an exploration.Alok Tandon - 2021 - In Murzban Jal & Jyoti Bawane, The Imbecile's Guide to Public Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge India.
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    An Ethical Life: A Practical Guide to Ethical Reasoning by Richard Kyte.Christine Fletcher - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 37 (2):191-192.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:An Ethical Life: A Practical Guide to Ethical Reasoning by Richard KyteChristine FletcherAn Ethical Life: A Practical Guide to Ethical Reasoning Richard Kyte WINONA, NM: ANSELM ACADEMIC, 2012. 254 PP. $25.95Richard Kyte's introductory guide to ethics is designed to meet three concerns about current ethics textbooks: they tend to decrease students' confidence in their ability to think, they inculcate a distrust of deliberative processes, and they create an (...)
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    Exploring and Validating the Effects of Mega Projects on Infrastructure Development Influencing Sustainable Environment and Project Management.Tao Xiaolong, Nida Gull, Shahid Iqbal, Muhammad Asghar, Ahsan Nawaz, Gadah Albasher, Javaria Hameed & Ahsen Maqsoom - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The study is based on validating and exploring the effects of a mega project plan on infrastructure development and Sustainable Project Management. The CPEC has great importance to infrastructure development and economy-boosting. The current study's primary aim is to deal with environmental protection, economic boost up, international relations influencing to the Project's success. The paper also addressed project management as a moderator between environmental protection, economic boost up, international relations, and the CPEC project's success. The primary data has been gathered (...)
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    The living God: a guide for study and devotion.Alister E. McGrath - 2014 - Louisville, Kentucky: WJK, Westminster John Knox Press.
    In this book, the second in the Heart of Christian Faith series, Alister E. McGrath provides an exploration of how we can best understand God using analogies, illustrations, and stories. This short, accessible guide also provides a pastoral and spiritual consideration of the difference that our belief in God makes to the way in which we think about ourselves and our world. With future volumes to examine other core Christian principles, McGrath’s new series will define “mere Chrisitianity” to a (...)
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    Gadamer: a guide for the perplexed.Chris Lawn - 2006 - New York: Continuum.
    Continuum's Guides for the Perplexed are clear, concise and accessible introductions to thinkers, writers and subjects that students and readers can find especially challenging. Concentrating specifically on what it is that makes the subject difficult to fathom, these books explain and explore key themes and ideas, guiding the reader towards a thorough and confident understanding of demanding material. Hans-Georg Gadamer is one of the formeost European philosophers of recent times. His work on philosophical hermeneutics defined the whole subject, and Truth (...)
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    Exploring power dynamics in a food bank in Bolivia. A case study during the Covid-19 pandemic.Galindo Darío, Gruberg Helga & Dessein Joost - 2024 - Food Ethics 9 (2):1-30.
    Hunger reduction, a universal goal, is often pursued through the concept of food security, which partially shifts the responsibility from national states to food banks. However, the active involvement of various stakeholders in food banks is frequently overlooked. The first waves of the COVID-19 pandemic prompted the High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security to acknowledge the necessity of stakeholders´ participation in achieving food security. Despite the significant influence of power relations (...)
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  46.  14
    Guide for the perplexed: a 15th century Spanish translation by Pedro de Toledo (Ms. 10289, B.N. Madrid).Moses Maimonides, Moshe Lazar, Robert J. Dilligan, Pedro de Toledo & Biblioteca Nacional - 1989 - Culver City, Calif.: Labyrinthos. Edited by Pedro, Moshe Lazar & Robert J. Dilligan.
    Written in the 12th century in Arabic by a faithful Jewish man, "The Guide" is a work that explores the contradiction a very intelligent mind clearly saw between the tradition he was raised to believe inherently and the growing philosophy of Arabian and Western culture. In Maimonides' time, there was an emerging disparity between the Law and a new level of philosophical sophistication, which he attempts to bridge in this work, primarily through the use of metaphor, though also acknowledging this (...)
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  47. Sorting and acting with objects in early childhood: An exploration of the use of causal cues.Alison Gopnik - unknown
    Three experiments investigated young children’s ability to use a causal property, making a machine light up and play music, to sort objects together (sorting task), and then to predict how to make the machine work (action task). The results show that the performance of 30-month-old children is guided in both tasks by the causal properties of the objects. This suggests that causal information is used to categorize objects even in a task that does not involve naming. The causal interpretation (...)
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    Heidegger’s Later Writings: A Reader’s Guide.Lee Braver - 2009 - Continuum.
    This is a Reader's Guide to the most important and influential essays of Heidegger's later work, crucial to an understanding of his philosophy as a whole.Martin Heidegger is one of the most important thinkers of the twentieth century. His later writings are profoundly original and innovative, giving rise to much of postmodernist thinking, yet they are infamously difficult to approach. "Heidegger's Later Writings: A Reader's Guide" offers a concise and accessible introduction to eight of Heidegger's most important essays. These essays (...)
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    Original Dwelling Place: Zen Essays (review).Robert Goss - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):212-215.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Original Dwelling Place: Zen EssaysRobert E. GossOriginal Dwelling Place: Zen Essays. By Robert Aitken. Upland, California: Counterpoint, 1996. 241 pp.Robert Aitken narrates his over forty-year journey into Zen, elucidating not only his spiritual journey but also reflecting the Americanization of Zen Buddhism. He was introduced to Zen Buddhism during World War II as an internee in a camp for enemy civilians in Kobe, Japan. Original Dwelling Place is Aitken’s (...)
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    Urban Wilderness: Exploring a Metropolitan Watershed.Eddee Daniel - 2008 - Center for American Places.
    A river can be the lifeblood of a city, standing as a symbol of economic prosperity, harmony with nature, and communal life, and the Menomonee River is such an anchor for the Milwaukee area. In Urban Wilderness, Eddee Daniel guides us down the waterways of the Menomonee watershed and reveals how preserving urban rivers is key to modern day city life. In rich color photographs and engaging text, Daniel explores the natural and cultural history of the Menomonee River. The development (...)
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